lead generation sources - three army men

There is a way to get really good at lead generation. In fact, as I sit here at my desk, part two of the lead generation series is about to begin.

As you remember, part one focused on low volume lead generation strategies. Today, I am going to cover the high volume strategies with real life examples you can use as a guide for your process.

And when I say high volume, I mean a way to identify hundreds or even thousands of leads interested in your product. Isn’t that the best? If you said yes, then you know what I’m talking about. If not, well then let’s make it happen for you.

Keep reading for five specific strategies to find giant pools of lead generation sources.

Now, you may think I am going to reveal some gold mine of leads that you can just tap into.

Well, to some degree I am. Because if you actually apply these five lead generation strategies, there’s no doubt in my mind you will find the leads you want. I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m just saying it’s possible.

So let’s get into it.

#1 Target complimentary product leads

Think about the products in the market who’s increase in popularity would really make your company thrive.

For example, when my co-founder and I marketed our company EventChocolate, I got 485 users to signup in two months. That may not sound like a lot, but it was considering I didn’t spend a dime to acquire them.

We cold emailed event planners who published events to ticket management websites like Eventbrite and Brown Paper Tickets. We sent a targeted sales email to each of them with a four sentence pitch max. The complimentary products, in our case, were the ticket management websites. Because the more popular their websites became (meaning the more event planners that published events on those websites), the more leads we could acquire.

There are complimentary products for your product too. What are they?

#2 Target substitute product leads

Think about products that would be used if you and your competitors didn’t exist today.

I bet you have heard of AirBnB. Well during the company’s early beginnings, they spammed a lot of Craigslist users to acquire customers. Quora has a great article explaining exactly how they quickly scaled user growth. In their case, people were already listing their homes and apartments on the Craigslist platform for rent. So, why not message those same people directly? Because clearly they would benefit from a better product. AirBnB now has over 500,000 properties listed on their website.

You can do the same. What are the substitute products for you?

#3 Target industry related blog leads

Here’s one I bet you know. Your industry has thousands of related blogs talking about subjects relating to your product.

Don’t believe me? Find them at Alltop, Technorati, or Google Blogs.

First identify 200 industry related blogs. Collect blog traffic stats (so you know which are the most popular). Then find the author’s name and email address. Finally, send them an email offering to write a guest post. Neil Patel does a killer job breaking down guest blogging for you.

One of the best examples of this lead generation strategy comes from Leo Wildrich, the CEO of Buffer App.  He quotes, “Solely through guest blogging we’ve acquired around 100,000 users within the first 9 months of running Buffer.” See for yourself how he did it.

Are you prepared to do what it takes to learn the skills to make this work for you?

#4 Target leads via new ad channels

I don’t want to belabor this lead generation source. However, you need to keep your eye out for new paid advertising channels. Before advertising channels become popular their ad space is typically very cheap. Allowing you to acquire customers/massive amounts of leads at discount prices. I’m not claiming I have successfully executed this strategy myself, but I know Noah Kagan did it for AppSumo.

Before new ad channels are proven, they are least expensive. Just like , , and were before everyone started marketing on them. But once they are discovered by the masses, costs quickly rise which then erode your margin.

Keep this lead generation strategy in the back of your mind day to day. So when you see a new ad channel, you can capitalize. Then give me a call to let me know about it.

#5 Target customer referral leads

Ask your existing customers to refer you. I’ll tell you what. If you want your existing customers to give you really hot referral leads, give them a bonus for doing it.

My friend Allan Grant built an entire company around it (backed by $1.2 million in venture capital). Referrals are the best. Think of any incentive/bonus you provide in exchange for referrals part of your customer acquisition cost.


Now, before you go out and grab the world by the horns. Start by testing one of these lead generation strategies at a time. If you try to do them all at once, you’ll likely fail at all of them. Focus is key. Incorporate these strategies into your sales process one at a time. This way you can run tests on a smaller scale. Not only will you save yourself a ton of money. But you will learn to do it properly the first time.

Oh, one last thing. I’d love it if you could share ONE lead generation strategy that works for you in the comments below. This is how you can help other Senator Club members succeed. Just write your quick thoughts below.

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How to Find Profitable Lead Generation Sources (1 of 2)

I first thought lead generation was near impossible. In fact, I thought there was really only one way to find...
