
When I walked past my co-worker’s desk yesterday, I noticed a prayer pinned to the board by his computer. It looked different from other prayers. This was a salesman’s prayer.

I’d never seen a prayer written specifically for entrepreneurs and sales professionals.

Now, I’m not particularly religious myself. But I do believe in having faith in something. That could be faith in God. It could also be faith in yourself.

I’ll explain why faith is so important in sales after you read the prayer.

The Salesman’s Prayer

At first, I had no idea who wrote it. The original piece of paper had no author attribution. So, I took a quick photo with my phone and brought it home to investigate.

After a little research online, I discovered it was written by Og Mandino. He is most famously known for writing the sales book: “.” Which I actually have on my bookshelf today.

Give this a thoughtful read before we continue.

salesman's prayer senator club

You may have noticed a few missing words up top. For your curious mind, here is the complete text:

“You have taught the lion & the eagle how to hunt and prosper with teeth & claw.”

There’s a good reason to have faith

Sales is unlike any other role within a company.

Every day you need faith. Faith that the seeds you plant today will grow tomorrow.

You need faith that for every email you send, one prospect will eventually respond.

You need faith that for every phone call you make, one lead will eventually answer.

For me, sales is not about making money to buy material goods (although I do from time to time). Instead, sales is about acquiring the skills to bring value to the marketplace.

It’s not just about achieving your sales goal, but enjoying your journey along the way.


If you think it will bring you inspiration, you can print the salesman’s prayer for your desk.

Remember to have faith. Have faith that the work you do today will make for a better tomorrow.

Share your thoughts with me in the comments below. I’m always listening.


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