Sales Books for Members

I once read a quote that said, “Leaders are readers.” And that really stuck with me.

So, I try to read as often as possible now.

There are at least 25 sales books on my shelf, here in my office. 90% of them I will never read again.

But the others, I reference on a regular basis.

These are the sales books I reference on a regular basis. Some I have read two or three times. While others, I read when a task demands it.

Start with at least one book today.

Note: I use affiliate links below. That way, when you purchase a sales book, I get a small commission to help maintain the Senator Club. People helping people; it’s a beautiful thing.


  • by Napoleon Hill: Think and Grow Rich has been called the “Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature.” It was the first book to boldly ask, “What makes a winner?” The man who asked and listened for the answer, Napoleon Hill, is now counted in the top ranks of the world’s winners himself.


  • by Zig Ziglar: Whether presenting a product or principle, service or idea, we all engage in sales. Zig Ziglar presents winning techniques for getting a positive response and establishing dynamic relationships. Readers discover how to:o project warmth, enthusiasm, and integrity o effectively use 100 creative closes o increase productivity and professionalism o overcome the five basic reasons people will not buy o deal respectfully with challenging prospects.


  • by Kevin Hogan: Using techniques from hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, the Bible, and the greatest salespeople in history, Hogan empowers you to improve all areas of your life.


  • by Dale Carnegie: You can go after the job you want…and get it! You can take the job you have…and improve it! You can take any situation you’re in…and make it work for you!


  • by Neil Rackham: SPIN Selling is essential reading for anyone involved in selling or managing a sales force. Unquestionably the best-documented account of sales success ever collected and the result of the Huthwaite corporation’s massive 12-year, $1-million dollar research into effective sales performance, this groundbreaking resource details the revolutionary SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-payoff) strategy.


  • by Matthew Dixon: What’s the secret to sales success? If you’re like most business leaders, you’d say it’s fundamentally about relationships-and you’d be wrong. The best salespeople don’t just build relationships with customers. They challenge them.


  • by Drew Eric Whitman: Prepare yourself for a unique learning experience as author Drew Eric Whitman takes you on a wild, roller-coaster ride through the streets of New York’s famed Madison Avenue and teaches you the specific psychological techniques that today’s top copywriters and designers use to influence the masses… and how you can use them to rapidly increase your sales, no matter what you sell.


  • by Gary C. Halbert: A series of letters by history’s greatest copywriter Gary C. Halbert, explaining insider tactics and sage wisdom to his youngest son Bond. Once only available as part of a paid monthly premium, The Boron Letters are unique in the marketing universe and now they are a bonafide cult classic among direct response marketers and copywriters around the world.

  • by Robert W. Bly: This is a book for everyone who writes or approves copy: copywriters, account executives, creative directors, freelance writers, advertising managers . . . even entrepreneurs and brand managers. It reveals dozens of copywriting techniques that can help you write ads, commercials, and direct mail that are clear, persuasive, and get more attention–and sell more products.


Next time, I’m going to show you how to automate your sales process with a combination of sales tools.

But first, spend the next couple days reading. Then we’ll pick up where we left off.

Oh, one more thing. I bet you know at least ONE sales book that I should read. Write it down in the comments below.

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