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The Salesforce Way to Sell with Hiro Rodriguez

VIDEO – Watch recording of the event .
SLIDES – View presentation slides


On Thursday, April 9th, you will learn exactly how Account Executives at Salesforce are trained to sell the “Salesforce Way”. Clearly, a sales approach that continues to prove itself year after year, as Salesforce’s revenues have remarkably grown from $90 million in 2004 to $4 billion in 2014.

Hiro Rodriguez is one of Salesforce’s best Commercial Sales, Account Executives. He is going to share with us, the 3 key sales principles that stand as the pillars of Salesfoce’s sales training. Now known, as the “Salesforce Way”.

Hiro will walk us through specifics on their day-to-day sales techniques. Like how to begin each call/meeting, how to identify customer problems, and how to get a deal going when it seems to have hit a wall.

Then, for the first time on stage, we will actually watch a live sales role play. Hiro and our special guest will demonstrate exactly how the 3 key sales principles are used in a real sales environment, just like yours. That’s right, a real, live sales role play.

It’s the fastest way to learn these principles, and then quickly incorporate them into your own process!

Here is the evening’s outline below:


  • 5:30PM – Arrive
  • 6:00PM – Welcome by Ian Adams – President, Senator Club
  • 6:05PM – Hiro Rodriguez – Commercial Sales, Account Executive, Salesforce
  • 6:45PM – Live Sales Role Play
  • 7:00PM – Q&A
  • 7:20PM – Socialize
  • 8:30PM – Depart